Archive for April, 2013

Stepping Out of Our Past To Create A Good Life

“ Biography does not equal destiny.” Tony Robbins What a great line, a great concept.  When we believe our past shapes our future, we’re missing the boat of life.   Yes, it may explain things and provide understanding but ‘using’ the past as a reason why things can’t be better, or accepting the way things are […]

Giving Yourself Advice

Here’s a great question to guide you towards living a better quality of life with hopefully fewer regrets.  (Taken from my current study of positive psychology {certificate program} with Tal Ben-Shahar) You’re over 100 years old and you’ve been transported back to today. You have the wisdom and experience of a long-lived life.  You have but […]

Giving Our Kids the Best Practice Years of Their Life

I’m excited to share my guest blog post featured today at Challenge Success.    What is Challenge Success, you ask?  “Challenge Success works with schools and families to develop research-based strategies that provide kids with the academic, social and emotional skills needed to succeed now and in the future.” “At Challenge Success, we believe that our […]

What Do You See More Of – What You Have Or What You Lack?

Food for thought: “Keep your eye on the donut and not upon the hole.” What are you focusing on?  ……. The hole with it’s emptiness and lack of dough? The cake with it’s icing and sprinkles? If you’re stuck in the hole, how can you begin to see your way out towards that luscious strawberry […]

Character Strengths Push Us Through

Determination, perseverance, optimism and creativity- four character traits or strengths that can carry us far in life and serve us very well. My recent interviewee, Glenda Watson Hyatt, listed these four qualities as instrumental in helping her live well, together with her personal challenges. These inner resources of wealth can make all the difference in […]

The “‘Yes, I Can’ Column of My Life” – An Interview with Glenda Watson Hyatt

I am pleased to present Glenda Watson Hyatt, my April interviewee.  She has taken the “least obvious path” and become a motivational speaker.  Why is this something special and unique?  Because Ms. Hyatt has cerebral palsy which has affected her speech to a significant degree.  “Can’t” was not a word used in her household growing […]


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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778