Archive for November, 2014

Mind Over Body – Resiliency At Its Best

Just saw the movie, The Theory of Everything, about the life of Stephen Hawking.  Talk about resiliency, perseverance, rising above and beyond!    He is a supreme example of overcoming adversity!  Having lived over 50 years with the {most often} fatal and horrifically degenerative disease, ALS,  also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, he is clearly an […]

Staying With Our Difficult Feelings

We run from pain.  It’s the natural way.  Fight or flight – we detect danger, we run. But what about emotional pain?  We also seem to run from that.  After all, who the heck wants to feel  anger, sadness, grief and all those other icky feelings. We do whatever it takes to avoid, numb or […]


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