Archive for December, 2014

A Season of Lights, Within Darkness

‘Tis a season of lights –  Christmas lights, Chanukah lights of the menorah.  Beautiful lights all around.  And yet we’re acutely aware of all the darkness going on around us and the world at large.  Sometimes it seems so hard to take pleasure in this supposedly joyful season while we compassionately feel for the tragedies […]

5 Things To Do When A Difficulty Arises

You’re going through a rough time.  How do you cope and manage?  How do you stay afloat right now? 1.  Acknowledge the difficulty to yourself.  “This is really hard for me.  I am so stressed.  How will I keep doing this? 2.  Give yourself permission to be human.  There need not be guilt or shame […]

Kids Are Too Busy Doing

We’re all busy Doing.  And we’re all getting stressed, anxious, burned-out and sick from all our doings.  Kids included! Kids especially! Warning:  Too much Doing is harmful for our kids.  Side effects include:  anxiety, depression, stomach aches, headaches and other physical symptoms, eating disorders, cutting, addictions, suicide. Antidote:  Engage in more Being.  Play more; dream […]


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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778