Powerful Questions To Guide You Along Your Path

Powerful Questions To Guide You Along Your Path

Ah, the power of the question to get us thinking, really thinking; to reach a layer of ourselves that perhaps we haven’t yet examined or even thought about.  This is one way we can peel away the layers and continue to get to know our real selves – what matters to us, how we want to carve out our lives, what we value, how we want to live; in what direction to point that compass and to then make changes as we go along- as we step onto pebbles, rocks, brush up against poison ivy, get scraped by thorns, sink into mud- constantly recalibrating that we’re staying on our true path.

In synagogue over the recent {Jewish} holidays I picked up a great little booklet put out by UJA-Federation of New York (United Jewish Appeal) entitled, The Big Questions, Living With Purpose in 5776 (the new Jewish year).

I hope some of these questions will get you really thinking and bring you closer to living your best and most authentic life, true to who you are and how you choose to live.  Take your time in answering them.  You may answer one way today and another way in a month from now.  You’ll start to see patterns and themes come up in your words and ideas.  Here goes:  (I’m also throwing in some of my own questions.)


What one thing can you do today to make a change for the better?

If you could sum up your life in a hashtag, what would it be?

If you never needed to work again, what would you do?

What kind of impact do you want to make in the world?

If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

Whose life have you had the greatest influence on?

What are your guiding principles?

What do you turn away from?

What do you bring to the world?


Share some of your responses here.  They could ignite some thought-provoking ideas and conversation.  Thanks for stopping by.  


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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778